Do you also want to build your career on social media in this lockdown?

Lockdown - You too can build your career with income with smart phone and social media. I am presenting such a story to you today. If you try too, you will be able to earn income in this horrible situation on social media.

Success Story of Lockdown - Income with Smart Phone and Social Media | success story example

Success Story Examples : One Facebook Page Admine

Then the year will be 2015, some night he had 20 rupees in his pocket and spent the night eating fuchka. But now he is earning Rs 3 lakh from social media. A boy has just finished his HS exam. He came to Calcutta for college admission. Come and get admitted in college. He paid Rs 5,000 for the expenses from his house. The rent for his house was Rs. 3,000 per month and it would cost Rs. In fact, he has no money to spend on extra hands. One day he thought that by doing something I would have to earn a living. She also wondered how she would be able to continue her studies now. Hobby in his photography. He would take any photo and post it with beautiful captions. One day while he was watching YouTube, an idea came to his mind. Opening a page on Facebook where photos can't be posted with beautiful captions, he started to know more about the Facebook page. Then he created a Facebook page. There he took pictures around Kolkata and started posting there with good captions. At that time he didn't know how to do any photo editing, he couldn't do anything well. Then he started learning something by watching videos on YouTube. People started liking his posts. But he was not getting any income from these. There were a few more pages besides his. Those who used to post like this. One day he wondered if there was any income from all this. One day one of his posts went viral and many people liked it. Two days later, he received a phone call asking if he would sell his page for 20,000 rupees. She didn't, then. And he started thinking that there is someone who wants to give him 20,000 rupees to win. How they will earn income from this page. He wanted to know the subject by talking to more people who had pages. But no one helped him in any way. He was trying to find out for himself. Then one day a page noticed that a restaurant was promoting. Seeing that, he thought that everyone is making income through digital marketing in this way. At that time 1 lakh people used to follow his page. It took him a year to do all this. How much income he has not been able to make yet. Thinking about that digital marketing, he went to some restaurants in Kolkata. He went there and said I have a page where there are 1 lakh people. If you give me some money, I will promote your restaurant. But at the end of the day no one agreed.

Success Story of Lockdown - Income with Smart Phone and Social Media | success story example

He broke down a lot and thought he would give up all this. This will barely be his earnings anymore. He will go to eat one night after finishing his reading, seeing that he has only 20 rupees in his wallet. He went out and saw that there was a flutist. He went there and ate 20 rupees, but his stomach was not full. He didn't think I had to do anything that day, so I didn't have to. With this in mind, he turned his attention to the content of his page. But he also had to study again. After running some mash like this, one day a phone call came to him. The biryani that they have in a food shop can be found at this price. If you write all this and post it on his page, you will give him 5000 rupees. He was very happy to hear that. That was his first income in life.

Success Story of Lockdown - Income with Smart Phone and Social Media | success story example

Then gradually the call came to him for more promotion in this way. His page meant to know everything about Kolkata. Where to get good clothes cheaply, where to get good food, where to get good tea, which place is more beautiful were all on his page.

Now 1 million followers on his page. He is now earning more than 3 lakh rupees.

Then he opened a page on Instagram and started earning from there.

His main point is that if you like something, do it from the heart, don't leave it in the middle. His first 1.5 years did not earn anything. But she was the same husband of her work as the husband of her content. Yes, he was impatient. But work did not stop it.

Success Story of Lockdown - Income with Smart Phone and Social Media | success story example

So if you do something, do it the same way. Don't leave. One day its fruit will match.

Lastly, if any of you have a desire to earn income from this social media, then you should join today. It will take time but you will get results.

[NOTE: This success story belongs to a Facebook page admin. His story has been inspired by josh talks and written in his own way. So that after this story many people become interested and can do something like that.]